+ Little Prince & Potato
Video information
Little Prince & Potato (2020)

Written by Pamela Hickey & Dennys McCoy L.P. likes interstellar travel. One day, he comes to a deceptively beautiful planet of five colors. But they are much more than colors – they are actually five angry, annoying, and manipulative little monsters whose hobby is to cause mischievous mayhem. They control people’s negative emotions to get dark power to add to their own. In order to stop them and save humans, L.P. uses the Courage of Heart, to bring an ordinary potato to life and endow him with super power. L.P. also meets the girl named Jasmine. They form a team to combat with the monsters. Many episodes will begin with Jasmine distracted by or attracted to something that happens in school or in the neighborhood, which leads to them into an adventure concerning an inhabited human, L.P. And Potato who lives in Jasmine’s house will expel the Color Monsters.

  • Genre:Adventure,Educational,Comedy
  • Technique:3D,HD
  • Age group:Teens&Tweens
  • Language:English